News - EN | 06/12/2019
The third conference

The third conference of the Anti-Mafia Educational Project 2019/2020 organized by the Pio La Torre Study Center was held on December 6th 2019, at the Rouge et Noir of Palermo. At the conference entitled «The new mafias: continuity and transformation» spoke as speakers: Antonio La Spina, sociologist and teacher at the Luiss University of Rome; in videoconference Enzo Ciconte, professor at the University of Pavia; Giorgia Righi, head of research on smuggling and trafficking of migrants for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); to moderate the speeches Rino cascio, editor-in-chief of Rai Sicilia. Whereas in the past the "old mafias" founded their power through extortion in order to monopolize territories, today, however, they are spread over more territories and often coexist with new forms of organized crime like those defined as “ethnic”. The latter, since they’re not native of the territory, are forced to find new forms and criminal methods. Another extremely interesting change: if previously mafias were based on silence, today they have discovered social networks and through them they find affiliates and people willing to support them. The conference ended with the accounts of the direct experiences of the violence and the traffics of being human and with the impressions of the students regarding the entire day.