News - EN | 07/02/2020
The fifth conference

“A kind of gallantry and benevolent mafia not capable of violence, as crime might be only a personal choice: this has been our vision of mafia for years, a myth to debunk. If Mafia exists, it's our responsibility, a collective responsibility”. This is how priest Francesco Michele Stabile explained the misunderstood perception of mafia in our country to the students at the fifth conference of the Anti-Mafia Educational Project 2019 - 2020 organized by the Pio La Torre Study Center. The debate, held on February 7th 2020, at the Rouge et Noir cinema in Palermo, is entitled “The evolution of the antimafia effort by all religions of Republican Italy”, speakers: Padre Francesco Michele Stabile, the council member Adham Darawsha, the journalist Marco Romano, the Waldensian pastor Peter Ciaccio and the president of the Study Center, Vito Lo Monaco.
“In the past, Churches underestimated dictatorships, and they made the same mistake with mafia”, said Peter Ciaccio. “Mafia brings violence and abuse of power, just like Islamic terrorism – said Adham Darawsha – the common error with Daesh and Mafia is to think 'It's not my concern', a lack of social responsibility that we can't afford”. “Our aim is the struggle against Mafia, so what we want is a confrontation between different voices and religions – explained Vito Lo Monaco – This is the reason why we are organizing a new antimafia march from Bagheria to Casteldaccia open to all: Church, lay people, students, mayors and associations. We need to work together against Mafia”.