News - EN | 05/11/2019
Antimafia School at the Kore University of Enna

A memorandum of understanding, that provides collaboration on the issues of legality, anti-Mafia, anti-violence, active citizenship, it’s been undersigned between the Kore University of Enna and the Study Centre Pio La Torre, addressed to the new generations to increase their democratic awareness according to the principles of our Constitution.
Both commit themselves in networking, encouraging the world of universities and schools of all levels to participate in the various educational projects, making their specialists and their cultural, scientific and book heritage available. The Study Centre Pio La Torre will share its more than ten-year experience gained through the annual anti-Mafia and anti-violence educational projects aimed at students in secondary schools, penitentiary schools and Italian universities.
In addition, the Centre will submit the fourteenth annual survey on student perceptions of the Mafia, its continuity and evolution.
The Memorandum of Understanding concluded with a well-established university in the centre of Sicily will serve to provide tools to fight the demographic and socio-economic impoverishment of inland areas, the plague of migration of many young people, many of whom are university graduates. It will be also possible to give to the ruling classes new indications for overcoming the historic North/South gap in the country, which is now further aggravated by the increase in inequalities.
The memorandum of understanding, inspired by those signed with Miur and the DAP, will be a good example to be proposed to other universities and public institutions. It will be an original way of conveying the civic education of young people by involving them in the research for social, cultural and political causes of their discomfort and in removing obstacles for a new model of economic, social, environmental development democratically participated from below.
The recent events, the climate of hatred, fear, emerging racism, the uncertainty of the future, require an awareness and a democratic organizational effort for the mobilization of those affected by inequalities in the territories, using also the digital revolution in a positive way, for a concrete design alternative outside the tactics that characterize current policy.
It is the challenge for democracy against the new reactionaries, populists and sovereigns right parties of the twentieth century.